SUPERNET -Table de 2 - Table de Multiplication
DARPA's NGI Network
SuperNet is a wide-area, advanced networking testbed supported by the NGI (Next Generation Internet) program.
SuperNet is a cross-country network funded by DARPA's NGI (Next Generation Internet) Program and is composed of several interconnected and interoperating testbeds (see map). These testbeds are:
NTON II network connecting metropolitan area in the west coast over four wavelengths each with 10 Gbps capacity.
HSCC (High Speed Connectivity Consortium) network connecting sites at 2.5 Gbps end-to-end.
ONRAMP network fielding advanced metropolitan area and regional access technologies.
BOSSNET network enabling physical layer networking and communications experiments over multiple dark fibers.
ATDNET (Advanced Technology Demonstration Network) which is now upgraded to 20 Gbps dynamically reconfigurable double ring network using technology developed by MONET consortium.
Additionally, overlays on SuperNet together with supplemental connectivity will support: CAIRN testbed.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What role does SuperNet testbed play within the Government-wide NGI Program and goals?
NGI is a five-year Presidential Initiative that focuses on three goals:
- Goal 1. Research in networking technologies that enable the Internet to scale in size, speed and reach
- Goal 2. Deployment of cross-country networking testbed
- 2.1 Networking testbed at 100x today's performance
- 2.2 Networking testbed at 1000x today's performance
- Goal 3. Development of revolutionary applications.
SuperNet corresponds to the 1000x testbed table de 2 with Gigabit-per-second end-to-end speeds. See the NGI Implementation Plan for additional details.
How does SuperNet differ from other NGI testbeds such as NREN and vBNS?
NREN, vBNS, DREN, and ESNet (sponsored by NASA, NSF, DoD AND DOE, respectively) compose 100x (or Goal 2.1) testbed. In addition to the difference in targeted bandwidths,
the primary difference is that SuperNet is a testbed that promotes networking and communications research. While NREN, vBNS, DREN AND ESNet are production network supporting advanced application. SuperNet is a network that networking researchers
can experiment on.
Will SuperNet be connected to the 100x network?
Yes. Networking testbeds that will transition into or onto SuperNet (such as CAIRN and ATDNet) are already peered with most of 100x testbeds. Full peering and interoperability between
SuperNet and 100x networks is expected.
How can researchers in the physical layer, layer2, layer3 and above share the same infrastructure for testing and experimentation?
Through the use of "Virtual Network" e.g. via wavelength or virtual circuit definded subnets-researchers
will be able to conduct research using the shared physical infrastructure. Any potentially service-affecting experiments will be need to be scheduled into the shared calendar for researchers.
Will SuperNet be too unreliable for running applications testing?
No, the default state of the testbed is UP and STABLE. Any service-affecting experiments will be segregated in time and/or in configuration/topology.
What applications research and demonstrations are encouraged on the SuperNet?
We are very much interested in applications that require highbandwidth (gigabit ethernet, OC-12, OC-48 or higher, transparent wavelengths) or require extremely
low latency. Military relevance is a plus.
MAPS Nationwide
Architecture and Engineering
Layer 3 Architecture
SuperNet Router Proxy
Performance Testing
SuperNet testbed is supported by DARPA's NGI (Next Generation Internet) program. The goals of this program are:
SuperNet Technologies
Advance technologies that enable Gigabit-per-second streams between end systems over a shared, wide-area infrastruture.
Network Engineering
Develop automated network monitoring, management and planning tools so that networks can scale by two to three orders of magnitude while limiting network administration complexity.
SuperNet Testbed
Deploy a wide-area network on which prototype hardware and tools can be deployed and tested, and on which advanced applications requiring Gigabit-per-second end-to-end connectivity.
Additional information about the program can be found at DARPA's NGI, together with summaries on NGI projects.
Information on government-wide NGI program can be found at NGI Home Page
Networking Conferences And Meetings
Upcoming Events
To be announced soon .. (see the archive of last seminar held on August 8th, 2003, here)
This lecture is part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) hosted Washington Area Trustworthy Systems Hour (WATSH). WATSH is a seminar series to catalyze the interest, talent, and energy of those in Washington, D.C. area universities, industry, and government research environments concerned with trustworthy systems. Additional information regarding future events and contact information for those who would like to participate is located here.
NGI Related Meetings, Presentations, Workshops, and Events
WATSH Seminar on "Analysis of an Electronic Voting System"
Avi Rubin, Technical Director, Information Secuirty Institute
Tuesday, August 12 2003 at 4 pm (EST)
National Science Foundation(NSF), Arlington ,VA
Real Media :
Stream Download
WATSH Seminar on "Cyberterrorism: We're Toast"
Bill Neugent, Chief Engineer for Cybersecurity, Mitre
Tuesday, July 8 2003 at 4 pm (EST)
National Science Foundation(NSF), Arlington ,VA
Real Media : Stream
(via Internet) Download
Real Media : Stream (via SuperNet) Download
Slides from the Talk: Download (via Internet)
Slides from the Talk: Download (via SuperNet)
WATSH Seminar on "Security and Resilience for the Internet
Dan Massey, University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute
Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 4 pm(EST)
National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington VA
Real Media : Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media
: Stream (via SuperNet) Download
WATSH Seminar on "Maintaining Security in the Presence of Key Exposure"
Jonathan Katz, University of Maryland-College Park
Wednesday, April 2, 2003 at 4 pm(EST)
National Science Foundation
(NSF), Arlington VA
Real Media : Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media : Stream (via SuperNet) Download
Slides from the Talk: Download (via Internet)
Slides from the Talk: Download (via SuperNet)
WATSH Seminar on
"Health Information Security"
Giuseppe Ateniese, John Hopkins University
Wednesday, Feb 5th, 2003 at 4 pm (EST)
National Science Foundation, Arlington VA, Stafford I, Room 120
Real Media : Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media : Stream (via SuperNet) Download
(Please note that the first few minutes of the talk has intermittent audio output due to recording setup problems. We apologize for the inconvenience)
Slides from the Talk: Download
(via Internet)
Slides from the Talk: Download (via SuperNet)
WATSH Seminar on "Experiences Introducing Formal Methods into the Standardization Process"
Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory
Wednesday, Jan 8 2003
at 4 pm(EST)
National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington VA
Real Media : Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media : Stream (via SuperNet) Download
Slides from the Talk: Download (via Internet)
Slides from the Talk:
Download (via SuperNet)
WATSH Seminar on OS Security Then and Now : From Secure Locus to Windows
Sekar Chandersekaran, Institute for Defense Analysis
October 2, 2002, 4 pm(EDT)
National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington
Real Media : Part 1 Stream (via Internet) Download : Part 2 Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media : Part 1 Stream (via SuperNet) Download : Part 2 Stream (via SuperNet) Download
(Please note that the first 7-8 minutes
of Part 1 may have very low volume output due to microphone problems. We apologize for the inconvenience)
Slides from the Talk: Download (via Internet)
Slides from the Talk: Download
CISE Distinguished Lecture on "Building Networks of the Future"
Pradeep Sindhu, Vice Chairman, Chief Technical Officer and Founder of Juniper Networks
Tuesday, Feb 25th, 2003 at 4 pm (EST)
National Science Foundation, Arlington
VA, Stafford I
Real Media : Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media : Stream (via Supernet) Download
Slides from the Talk: Download (via Internet)
Slides from the Talk: Download (via SuperNet)
CISE Distinguished Lecture
on "Terabyte Computing"
November 9th, 1999
Real Media: Stream: Download
LSN Distinguised Lecture Series on Customer Owned Wavelengths & Fiber - the next evolution in research networks
Bill St. Arnaud, Senior Director, CANARIE, Inc.
March 12, 2002, 2 pm(EDT)
National Science Foundation (NSF),
Arlington VA
Real Media: Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media: Stream (via SuperNet) Download
LSN Distinguished Lecture Series on Wireless Internet - Promises and Challenges
David Goodman, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University, NY
Febuary 12, 2002, 2 pm(EDT)
National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington VA
Real Media: Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media: Stream (via SuperNet) Download
LSN Distinguished Lecture Series on Deploying the Internet - why does it take so long and, can research help?
David Clark, Senior Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
January 8, 2002, 2 pm(EDT)
Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington VA
Real Media: Stream (via Internet) Download
Real Media: :Stream (via SuperNet) Download
LSN Distinguished Lecture Series on Challenges for Network Research
Bob Aiken, Senior Manager,
Academic Research and Technology Initiatives, CISCO Systems Inc.
December 11, 2001, 2 pm
National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington VA
Real Media: Stream: (via Internet) Download
LSN Workshop on New Visions for Large-Scale Networks: Research and Applications
March 12 - 14, 2001
Vienna, VA
Workshop Proceedings
NASA/NREN NGI Workshop 2000
14-16 August 2000
Live Broadcast
Optical Fiber
Communication (OFC) 2000 - Plenary Session
7 March 2000, 8 AM EST
Real Media Archive (56kbps)
George Gilder: Telecosm Download
Vinod Khosla: (slides) Terrabit Tsunami Download
Clayton M. Christensen: Innovation Management
2001 DARPA NGI PI Meeting
January 5-7, 2002
McLean, Virginia
Real Media Archive
2000 DARPA NGI PI Meeting
October 2-4, 2000
McLean, Virginia
Real Media Archive
1999 DARPA
NGI PI meeting:
Dec. 15-17, 1999
Washington, D.C.
Meeting Proceedings
1998 DARPA NGI PI meeting:
Oct. 25-29, 1998
Dulles, Virginia
Meeting Proceedings
Other DARPA Sponsored Meetings, Presentations, Workshops,
and Events Other Meetings, Presentations, and Events
Bio-Computation BAA: Proposer Information and Team Forming Meeting
March 1, 2001
Greenbelt Marriot, Greenbelt, MD
Real Media Archive
Research and Experiments
Research Programs
- Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
- WideBand Networked Sensors Program (WNS)
- TCP performance across high bandwidth-delay product networks
- Remote Media Immersion (RMI)
- IMSC's Remote Media Immersion (RMI)
- Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC) Remote Media Immersion (RMI)
- Matisse
- Optical Flow Switching (OFS) on ONRAMP (Optical Network for Regional Access using Multi-wavelength Protocols)
- ONRAMP TCP Experiments over Large Bandwidth-Delay Links
- Network Experiments Over a Reconfigurable Optical Access Network Testbed
- Distributed-Parallel Storage System (DPSS)
- HDTV on ATDnet
- Gigabit To The Desktop
- Gigabit Rate IP Security
- Secure Network Toolbox (Secure Network Monitoring and Management Infrastructure)
- High Performance Local Area Networks (10-40Gb/s)
- Collaborative, Operational Virtual Exploitation Team (COVET)
- NGI Multicast Applications and Architecture (NMAA)
- Uncompressed High Definition Television (HDTV) over IP
- Access Grid (AG)
- Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research Network (CAIRN) Experiments
- X-Bone (Automated Overlay Network Deployment)
- Active Networks Backbone (ABone)
- National Internet Measurement Infrastructure (NIMI)
- Multicast-based Inference of Network-internal Characteristics (MINC)
- Secure Border Gateway Protocol (S-BGP)
- Border Gateway Multicast Protocol (BGMP)
- Network Time Synchronization Project (NTSP)
- Reliable Multicast Performance
- DNS Security (DNSSEC) in CAIRN
- Secure Network Toolbox (SNMPv3, SSL, ssh)
- Fault-Tolerant Networking Through Intrusion Identification and Secure Compartments (FNIISC)
- Fault-Tolerant Mesh of Trust Applied to DNSSEC (FMESHD)
- Bro: A System for Detecting Network Intruders in Real-Time
- Realising Adaptive Distributive Internet Operations on ACTIVE Networks (RADIOACTIVE)
- Secure Conferencing Access with Multicast Protocols for the Internet (SCAMPI)
Experiments and Demonstrations
- ACCESS Facility Demos
- Stereoscopic Rendered Images and Video Streaming with Real-time Compression Methods (Internet2 and SuperNet infrastructure)
- Telepresence in the Operating Room Utilizing IP Video (Internet2 and SuperNet infrastructure)
- SuperComputing 2000
- Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI)
- VisaPult:Image Based Rendering Assisted Volume Rendering - SC2000 Network Challenge Winner
- CalTech Particle Physics Using Globus
- Data Management Infrastructure for Climate Modeling Research (Striped FTP) - SC2000 Network Challenge Winner
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
- NASA Digital Sky Demo
- Digital Amplitheater
- Digital Earth
- Land Speed Record
- Internet2 Land Speed Record
- UW - ISIe High Bandwidth Tests
- UW - ISIe Internet HDTV Tests
- Gbps TCP/IP between Boston and Washington, D.C.
- GbE MONET Experiments (resulting paper)
- SuperComputing 2001
- TeleImmersion